Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Playlist for 03-Aug-10

Another beautiful Tuesday morning filled with the strains of New,Canadian Wax - just as it should be:
Del Barber, Love Songs for the Last 20, Katy Sparrow;
The Mountains & The Trees,I Made This For You, Crossing Crows;
The Provincial Archive, Maybe We Could be Holy,Weight and Sea;
The Peptides, North Hero, Just Woke Up;
Kelly Jefferson Quartet, Next Exit, Mandelbrot;
Andre Leroux, Corpus Callosum, Cadenza for Nationz;
Cory Weeds, The Many Deeds of Cory Weeds, Sunday in New York;
Ron Mason, Move the Earth, Jiggerman's Groove;
Lizzy Hoyt, Home, Devil in the Kitchen;
Paul Quarrington,The Songs, Lake Effect Snow;
Jane Vain & The Dark Matter, Give Us Your Hands, We Are See Through;
Eric Miller, Half of Purple, Talking to Myself;
Tim Gilbertson, Palisades, Sinners;
Little Miss Higgins, Across the Plains, The Tornado Song;
Wes Mackey, Beyond Words, Rock Creek;
Ross Nielsen & The Sufferin' Bastards, Redemption, Afflicted;
Jadea Kelly, Eastbound Platform, Hazel;
Justin Rutledge, The Early Widows, Mrs.Montgomery;
Del Barber, Love Songs for the Last 20, 62 Richmond;

Tis the season for Festivals - Be sure to go out and support local musicians, so they know it's worth all their hardwork! Happy Festivalling!

1 comment:

  1. Yeeeah!
    Thx again for the radio airplay!
    There's also that 'other' album we came out
    with at the same time as North Hero...
    25 tunes to choose from!:
    The PepTides
