Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Playlist for 11-Jan-11

Today's music was all provided by Canadian musicians. Here is what we heard:
The Concerns of Royalty, The Concerns of Royalty, Space Cabin Fever;
PM Glimm, Nightshade, The Sun is Asleep;
Pioneer, Pioneer, Father and Son;
Freeman Dre and the Kitchen Party, Red Door 2nd Floor, Oak Tree;
Marco Claveria Project, Essencias, Descrubo;
Donna Greenberg, Mav'rik, You're My Summer Peach;
Souljah Fyah, I Wish, Tears of a Fool;
The Martingales, Space and Sound, Hey! Photographer;
Neil Macdonald, Neil Mac, We All Fall Down;
The Anatomy Cats, Hold It..Too Slow, The New Crusade;
Karl Schwonik Jazz Ensemble with Remi Bolduc, 1 + 4, Basements;
Richard Underhill, Free Spirit, Blakey's Bounce;
Andy Creeggan, Andiwork III, Smileys A;
Jerry Leger, Traveling Grey, East Coast Queen;
The Breakmen, Heartwood, From Here;
New Country Rehab, New Country Rehab, The Log Train;
The Rizdales, How the Marriage Ended, How the Marriage Ended;
Johnny Max Band, It's a Long Road, She's Not the Marrying Kind;
Unknown Mizery, Empty Handed Warrior, Empty Handed Warrior;
Neil Macdonald, Neil Mac, That's Who You Are;
Hey Predator!, Foxholes and Atheists and So Forth, No Stars Just Coins;
Domestic Crisis Group, Two Tired Hearts, Eyes of Orion;

Don't forget to switch sides when you are shovelling - otherwise you'll be lopsided with one side totally ripped and the other side totally puny! Enjoy the snow!!!!


  1. Hi, this is Andrew from the Martingales - I just wanted to thank you for playing us!

  2. Hey, this is Doug from the Martingales - I want to thank you too!

  3. Ahhh, Nathan from the concerns of royalty as well. You helped us get to #12 nationally this week which is about the coolest thing thats ever happened to us. So thanks a ton!

  4. Hello from Pioneer! If you are ever interested in having Pioneer play live on your show, please get in touch. We'd love to come up there sometime!

  5. pioneer@tetrix.ca is the contact info!
